Monday, June 15, 2009

Happy Bday AZIMI.....

Lately, most of my customer sibuk request cupcakes on love theme, rase mcm musim valentine plak..... Yg ni, lg satu bday cupcakes on love theme.....ordered by Linie from KL, for her beloved boyfriend. Design sema dia serah kat aku, asalkan cantek.....kata yer. Cuma dia nak, mesti ada color merah.

ni lah hasil deco cc aku tuk Linie.....choc moist cc with blueberry filling
Linie sms aku, kata yer suka ngan design cc ni.....glad to hear that

she also ordered a mnbx tuk anak sedara boyfrend dia......sempena kelahiran baby baru
linie said ......."tak per la k.jue buat jer tuk baby, tp tau dah mama/papa dia yg makan nti"


Aimi said...

weh..botol susu tu comel la...ko ke megat yg lukis??? kreatip!!! design love pun lawo.... maintain je bentuk love tu.... dah guna tools baru ke??? hehehe...

Sweetie Pie said...

sy tlh menikmati cupcake y akk buat.d order oleh linee from KL..sedp2...bole sy order tuk wt hntrn mjlis sy nnt....

Ms Linee said...

it's me..(hehehehehehe)
nie lah cc yg aku dok carik selama nie..yg aku plan 4 my beloved..
nie lah hasil pencarian aku...huhuhuhu..tqvm pd k.jue sbb tolong yg clr merah tue,tok my beloved, dia punyer bfdy..aku plan wat the great party 4 him!!hope dia suka..(tp,mmg dia teruja pun..hahahahahaha..)yg clr biru 2 plak,baby adik i said b4 dis,"tak per la k.jue buat jer tuk baby, tp tau dah mama/papa dia yg makan nti" yg k.jue wat MEMANG BESH!!!i like it..bkn aku ckp jerk,1 fmly dia, bila aku fly 2 kuantan lg, aku akn order ngn k.jue,korang sumer trylah test cc k.jue yg BESH hga menjilat jari nie..
WELL DONE 4 U,K.juE!!!