Order from my fren, LINDA.....she ordered 100 cuppies special for her SIL wedding. She & her hubby couldn't attend their sister's wedding due to her SIL wedding date clash with the Bali trip that her hubby got from.....not sure lorrr, so dia tak der la masa wedding tu.
She requested the same color theme like d wedding....GREEN....& d flower....pink, takkan nak color green gaksss.....tak beseri la plok. Flavor.....Chocolate Moist Cupcakes & Vanilla Cupcakes
She requested the same color theme like d wedding....GREEN....& d flower....pink, takkan nak color green gaksss.....tak beseri la plok. Flavor.....Chocolate Moist Cupcakes & Vanilla Cupcakes
she wanted me to do d flower like the 1 that i did before (yg 3 kuntum rosette tu, yg sekuntum besar tu .....aku tambah sendiri)
2 bxs from Yati & her fren
1 bx from Syafika (got to know me thru my blog)
combinasi warna yg cantik... fuh.....projek besar kali ni yek...
ps: warna ijau daun kau tu cantik..elok terang warnanya..
re: bg aku lak..aku suka customer yg bg design..tak yah aku pecah kepala nak pikir... pening tau kalau dah byk2.. kalau kreatip takpelaa...
Jue...nak confirm order ni...
kcm nak 1 regular box..tp dua rasa boleh ker? nak rasa dua2- Chocolate Moist Cupcakes & Vanilla Cupcakes. Will pick up on 15/3/9..
Jue deco ler apa yg sesuai utk anak bjang kcm...
detail..h'ppy b'day to Danish frm Ayah,Ibu,Nabil & Arissa
jue nnti yg olie pun nk design mcm nila...tp yellow/white..daun harusla hijau kan... :D muah i lap u...YM ngan yati dia ckp..sedapppp..
re: crimper tu tools utk fondant..yg kelim2 kat keliling tepi kek tu..kalau tgk kat blog aku yg aku pegi kelas k.mis tu, ada yg aku kelim keliling fondant yg ada gambar yg aku buat tu... mmg best lah..aku tau pun sebab masa pegi kelas dgn k.mis hari tu... pastu cuba nasib kat blog kak min, dpt lak..tak yah beli...
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